video, Audio, and stills
Our Panel on Writing Gender at 1455’s 4th Annual Summerfest, 2022
Pre-publication video for We Know Each Other By Our Wounds
Launch event for We Know Each Other By Our Wounds
Interview for National Poetry Month 2020. I was Director of the Writing Center at FSU and interviewed by the Office of Faculty Development and Advancement.
Here I am reading for Poets Corner in Vancouver with Samantha DeFlitch, Jesse Aaron Macpherson, Mitchell Nobis, Josephine LoRe, Spenser Smith, Douglas Herasymuik, Eva Waldauf and Stephen Karr. I’m at 6:23 - but you should listen to everyone. So cool.
Excerpt from the FSU Office of Faculty Development and Advancement interview, in which I read the title poem from Breakfast for the Birds.
Scott Thomas Outlar interviewed me and my friend - and fellow Animal Heart Press author - the wonderful poet C. T. Salazar on Scott’s radio show. Songs of Selah, for the launch of We Know Each Other By Our Wounds and C. T.’s chapbook Forty Stitches Sewing a Body Against a Ramshackle Night.